RocketEd Aylesbury and Bucks

The services below are available in Aylesbury and parts of Bucks. Click on each title to find out more.

ADHD Assessment

This is a hybrid assessment service for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years. Face-to-face elements are conducted in London EC1 and are available to those able to travel.

Autism Assessment

We offer hybrid ‘gold standard’ autism assessments for children and young people. Face-to-face elements are conducted in London N3 and are available to those able to travel.

Autism Advice and Support

We offer remote support to improve understanding of autism or the journey towards a diagnosis, and to empower parents to know how best to help their child.

Dyscalculia Assessment

These are for children and young people in Year 2 and above. This is a hybrid service, with face-to-face assessment conducted at our rooms in Aylesbury.

Dyslexia Assessment

These are for children and young people in Year 2 and above. This is a hybrid service, with face-to-face assessment conducted at our rooms in Aylesbury.

SEND Consultancy

We offer impartial, confidential and accurate information and advice on all aspects of SEND for parents, carers, schools and other settings. This is a fully remote service.

Specialist SEN Tuition

This is offered remotely to children and young people up to the age of 25. We aim to maximise the child or young person’s ability to learn and to make progress. 

Client Support

Jenny Bier is RocketEd’s Client Services Manager. She acts as your main point of contact throughout your time with us, making sure that things run smoothly and that you have the support you need.