ADHD Assessment
What does RocketEd offer?
RocketEd offers an ADHD assessment service for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years. These are conducted in-person by Dr Kristy Fenton, our Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, at our rooms in London EC1. Our ADHD assessment service is rooted in inclusive, ethical practice with the child or young person always front and centre. We use current, evidence-based assessment tools to conduct comprehensive ‘gold standard’ diagnostic assessments.
RocketEd ADHD assessments include the following:
Before the assessment, we will ask you to complete pre-assessment information which will focus on your key areas of concern and the reason you are seeking an ADHD assessment of your child/young person. You and your child/young person will be asked to complete a range of online assessments, and in addition we will seek information from their school or college.
The assessment session itself will be conducted in-person with the child/young person and parents, and normally takes about 90 minutes. In this time, Kristy will undertake a full psychiatric history and a structured medical assessment of your child’s mental health, and expand on any questions addressed in the pre-assessment information. The session follows a clear structure designed to ensure that all diagnostic criteria are considered and assessed.
Within two weeks of the assessment or from receiving any final required information, you will be provided with a full detailed report summarising the information gathered, the diagnostic outcome of the assessment and recommendations.
When medication is indicated, we offer an additional medication initiation package for a period of three months. During this time, we will discuss treatment options, and monitor requirements and potential side effects. We provide private prescriptions as required during this three month period, as well as a final letter to your GP to confirm your child’s medication once stabilised. This letter can include a request for them to take over via a shared care arrangement, although this would be at the discretion of the GP and therefore could not be guaranteed by RocketEd.
As part of a shared care arrangement with GPs, a 45 minute follow up appointment would be required every 6 months. Prior to this, we request feedback from the young person, parents/carers and school, to support decision-making with regards to the treatment plan.
ADHD assessments are conducted by Dr Kristy Fenton, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. You can read more about her by clicking the link below.