Specialist Maths Tuition
What does RocketEd offer?
Mathematics is an essential part of our daily lives, far beyond the classroom. We use maths every day, often without realising it, from managing finances and budgeting to cooking, measuring ingredients, calculating distances and estimating travel times. The list is endless, which is why it's so important to understand and not fear maths.
At RocketEd, we believe in early intervention and building a strong mathematical foundation as we know that maths is cumulative, developing with most concepts building on underlying principles. We help children reinforce the basics to ensure that their knowledge is solid and strong enough to be built upon. We do this by making maths as concrete as possible, rather than abstract. We take the ‘Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract’ (CPA) approach, ensuring that a solid concrete understanding is established before moving to pictorial and abstract concepts. We use multi-sensory methods to maximise understanding and make lessons meaningful and impactful.
RocketEd’s specialist maths tuition service is for primary aged children (ages 5 to 11) who struggle with maths, need a boost in maths or lack confidence in the subject. They may already have a dyscalculia or maths learning difficulty diagnosis but this is not a requirement.
We offer blocks of six sessions at a time which can be continued as required. Sessions take place at our tutor’s home or the child’s school and vary according to the needs of the child. Typically we start with a casual, informal chat to build rapport, identify gaps in knowledge or understanding and establish a starting point. Depending on what’s needed, we will cover various areas of maths, such as number sense and counting, number facts, place value, the four mathematical operations, word problems and measurement. We continually find connections to make maths more relatable and less intimidating, helping children build confidence and see their own success. We incorporate many games into our sessions because we feel this makes learning enjoyable and engaging. When children are having fun, they often don't even realise they're learning, which reduces stress and makes the educational experience more effective.
During specialist maths tuition sessions, we will work with the parent or guardian to consider whether a dyscalculia assessment is indicated.
RocketEd’s Specialist Maths Tutor is Lauren Juter.